Welcome! We're a small church doing BIG things with the help of God!
We believe that God loves, values and embraces each person as a beloved child. Therefore, we welcome people of every age, size, color, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, ability and challenge. We welcome people from all faith traditions, those with doubts, and those with no sense of faith at all. We also commit ourselves to the pursuit of environmental, economic, social and racial justice.
We believe that caring for creation in all its uniqueness and inclusiveness is embedded in our fundamental character as a faith community. Everyone is part of the Green Team, in different ways and at different levels.
“Humans, in service to God, have special roles on behalf of the whole creation. Made in the image of God, we are called to care for the earth as God cares for the earth.” (ELCA, “Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice,” 1993)
Open Scripture, Join the Conversation
Reading through the Bible together and exploring it in conversation. It will take us 3 years to complete the journey, but you are welcome to join us for a single time, a season, or walk with us from Genesis to Revelation. The goal is to read 6 chapters each week at home and then share our impressions and questions on Sunday. If we don't get our reading done ahead of time it's no big deal. Grace abounds! Informal moderators keep the conversation rolling as we explore and discover together.
Sundays from 9:15 - 10:15 AM in the conference room on the main floor.
Ringing out under the direction of Pat Latshaw, the handbell choir welcomes you to join us as we create beautiful music. We perform roughly once a month at the 8:00am and 10:30am Sunday worship services. REHEARSALS ARE WEDNESDAYS AT 6:30 PM
"What is the secret to getting along with others—teasing and talking politics and faith, while remaining friends? You won't find the answer in mainstream media, but you might find some answers with old men who drink coffee..."-- Rev. Lee Yates
Our Saturday Morning Men's Group would be a great place to try that out! Join us on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:00 a.m. at the Price Chopper (103rd & State Line). Walk ins welcome.
We're doing what we love and living out our faith in the process.
Each quilt is a way of reaching out and touching someone else someplace else with God's protection and love.
Join us the 4th Tuesday of the month (January through November) from 9:00am - 2:30pm--and bring a sack lunch and sewing supplies. We work and talk...And eat and talk...and talk...and talk... and create as many as 70 quilts per year!
"And he would answer and say to them, "The man who has two tunics is to share with him who has none; and he who has food is to do likewise." Luke 3:11
By making a gift today you can be a part of God's amazing grace: feeding the hungry, seeking justice for workers denied their wages, caring for the earth, sewing quilts for the poor, and helping people meet God, practice community, serve Christ by serving others, and live generously. We are a registered 501(c)3 organization and all gifts are tax deductible.
We could not do this work without the generosity of our members and friends.
WORSHIP: Sunday Services
HOLY COMMUNION is celebrated at all Sunday services and our table is open, without exception, to anyone who would like to receive the sacrament.
A Staffed Nursery is provided from 9:00 a.m.to 11:30 a.m.
For Seasonal worship plans and schedules (Advent, Christmas, Lent & Easter) please see our NEWS page