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9100 Mission Rd
Prairie Village, KS, 66206

(913) 649-0438

Lutheran Church of the Resurrection is a congregation of the ELCA. Please visit our web page to learn more about us, our community partnerships, and ministries.

Saturday's Miracle Breakfast

Live Generously!

By donating now you can be a part of the amazing life-giving work God is doing: feeding the hungry, seeking justice for workers denied their wages, sewing quilts for the poor, helping people meet God, practice community, serve Christ by serving others, and live generously. All gifts are tax deductible.


Saturday's Miracle Breakfast

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Saturday's Miracle Breakfast

from $2.00

Saturday’s Miracle is a  growing ministry that was created in the spring of 2011.  At that time members of the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection recognized that one of the most basic needs all individuals require is not always being met.  That basic need is food.  Hunger has been a battle fought for generations, but our members especially recognized this as more and more folks have fallen on financial hardships from the continuing economic recession.

Give now

Saturday’s Miracle Breakfast Ministry has consistently provided a hot breakfast every Saturday for 3+ years.  We currently average 48 guests each week.  As of June 1st, 2014 we recorded 8,112 Volunteer Hours and 8,160 Adults & Children guests served.  Knowing that any guest can receive up to two plates of food per Saturday we know we have served 10,000+ plates!  These statistics confirm we are building bridges across the differences that divide society, building community, and loving our neighbors as ourselves.