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9100 Mission Rd
Prairie Village, KS, 66206

(913) 649-0438

Lutheran Church of the Resurrection is a congregation of the ELCA. Please visit our web page to learn more about us, our community partnerships, and ministries.

Episode 110: The Antidote

Alix D Pridgen

Weekly sermons delivered by The Rev. Dr. Alix D. Pridgen

Episode 110: The Antidote

The Rev. Dr. Alix Pridgen

Sermon on Numbers 21:4-9 and John 3:16-17

When the Israelites complain against God and are bitten by snakes, God tells Moses to put a bronze serpent on a pole and when they look at it they will not longer die from snakebite. Jesus says that in the same way he will be lifted up (on the cross), because God loves the world and sent the son to save us.